The Architectural Practice Board of South Australia administers the Architectural Practice Act 2009.

It's our role is to regulate architectural practice for the purpose of maintaining high standards of competence and conduct by registered architects and registered architectural businesses, in order to protect the interests of the public.

Board Members are appointed by the SA Governor in Executive Council. Three Board Members are elected by the architectural profession, and four members are nominated by the Minister. Of the four Ministerial nominees:

  • one must be a legal practitioner,
  • one a person with qualifications/experience in accounting, business or finance,
  • one must be a person with knowledge/experience in the construction industry; and
  • one additional person not eligible under the above.

Monarto Safari Park Visitor Centre, Intro with Studio Gram. Photography by David Sievers.

What we do

The Architectural Practice Board of SA regulates the practice of architects and architectural businesses in South Australia, for the purpose of maintaining high standards of competence and conduct. The Board must perform its functions in administering the Architectural Practice Act 2009 in the public interest.

Under this Act, the Board's functions are:

  • to oversee the practice of architecture by architects and architectural businesses.
  • to approve courses of education or training providing qualifications for registration.
  • to determine the requirements necessary for registration.
  • to prepare Codes of Conduct or professional standards for architects and architectural businesses.
  • to prepare or endorse guidelines on continuing architectural education for architects.
  • to promote education in architecture, assist students in architecture and further knowledge of architecture among the public.
  • to establish administrative processes for handling complaints against architects and architectural businesses.
  • to provide advice to the Minister as appropriate.
  • to carry out other functions assigned to the Board by the Act or by the Minister.

To fulfil its functions, the Board maintains relationships with:

  • State government agencies
  • Architect associations
  • Other architect registration boards
  • National organisations
  • International organisations.

Our structure

Members of the Board are appointed under the Architectural Practice Act 2009. Terms of appointment are for no longer than three years. Members may be reappointed for a further term/s, but a member of the Board may not hold office for consecutive terms that exceed nine years in total.

Three members of the Board are elected by architects on the South Australian Register. The 3 elected members from April 2023 – April 2026 are:

  • Sarah Burge (Architect)
  • Dario Salvatore (Architect)
  • Stephen Ward (Architect)

Four members are nominated by the Minister for Planning. These members are:

  • Kymberley Lawrence (Lawyer)
  • Lisa Martin (Architect, knowledge/experience in construction industry)
  • Mariano De Duonni (Architect/experience in business)
  • Kirsteen Mackay (Architect/other).

Dario Salvatore is appointed to the position of Presiding Member.

The Registrar and Administration Coordinator support the Board.

Registrar: Sue Crawford

Administration Coordinator: Georgina Dungey


<p>Dario Salvatore - Presiding Member (Elected Member)</p>

Dario Salvatore - Presiding Member (Elected Member)

<p>Kirsteen Mackay (Ministerial Nominee)</p>

Kirsteen Mackay (Ministerial Nominee)

<p>Kymberley Lawrence (Ministerial Nominee)</p>

Kymberley Lawrence (Ministerial Nominee)

<p>Lisa Martin (Ministerial Nominee)</p>

Lisa Martin (Ministerial Nominee)

<p>Mariano De Duonni (Ministerial Nominee)</p>

Mariano De Duonni (Ministerial Nominee)

<p>Sarah Burge (Elected Member)</p>

Sarah Burge (Elected Member)

<p>Stephen Ward (Elected Member)</p>

Stephen Ward (Elected Member)

Election of the Board

The next election for the three elected members of the Board will be held in late 2025/early 2026. The Electoral Commission of SA will conduct the elections. All architects registered in South Australia can nominate as a candidate, and vote in the election.

Who is eligible to nominate as a candidate?
All architects on the SA Register are eligible to nominate as a candidate for the election. To nominate, an official nomination form must be completed and signed by the candidate, and two other people eligible to vote must also sign the nomination form. A short (<200 word) profile will be required to accompany the nomination. Only Nominations on the official Nomination Form from the Electoral Commission will be accepted.

Who is eligible to vote?
All architects on the SA Register at the time of the closing of the roll are eligible to vote. Ballot papers will be distributed by the Electoral Commission.

What do I need to do?
You must ensure your address and contact details on the SA Register are correct. The Electoral Roll will be closed 6 weeks prior to the election so your contact details must be updated before that date. Electoral papers will be sent to you by the Electoral Commissioner by post. To update your contact details, sign in to your registration profile page.

What is the role of the Board?
The Board is established under the Architectural Practice Act 2009. Its role is to regulate the architectural profession to maintain high standards of professional conduct and competence by architects and architectural businesses. Its functions are set out in section 13 of the Act. More information on past elections can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

What is required of a Board Member?
All members of the Board should be familiar with the Architectural Practice Act 2009, and the Architects' Code of Conduct. The Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability) Act 1995 is also relevant to the role of Board Members. Board meetings are usually two hours (meetings are currently once a month), and agenda items may include complaints against architects; breaches of the Architectural Practice Act; registrations and registration matters; approval of courses of education for registration and other items related to education; Board projects; national matters (e.g. pathways to registration, national competency standards); Architectural Practice Examination. The Board may establish Committees to deal with some matters and Board Members may be a member of such Committees — for example a Notifications Committee currently exists to review and advise on complaints and breaches.

Are Board Members paid?
Members of the Board who are not public sector employees are paid sitting fees for attending Board meetings. The sitting fee is determined by the SA Government, and is currently $206 for a Board meeting.

Any other queries?
Contact the Registrar (Sue Crawford) if you have any questions about the role of the Board and Board members, and the elections.