Renewal of registration is due by 30 June each year. Renewal of registration is now completed online. All architects on the South Australian Register — individual architects, practising and non-practising and architectural businesses, must renew their registration each year to remain on the Register. An email notification will be sent at least four weeks before renewals are due. Each architect must ensure their contact details including email address are always up to date. Failure to renew registration may result in removal from the Register.

Renewals that are incomplete, or late (i.e. after 30 June each year) will be subject to the addition of a late fee.

Architects and Architectural Businesses who have not renewed by 31 July, may be removed from the register and may need to apply for reinstatement.

To renew your registration sign into your account, click in the registration tab and follow the prompts.

Important note
The renewal form must be completed and the declaration signed. Details must be updated each year, including the expiry of your Professional Indemnity Insurance; and each question must be responded to before the declaration is signed. If you are renewing multiple registrations, you can toggle between linked accounts. Registrations will not be valid unless the renewal form is completed and signed as true and correct - this must be done each year.

**Non-practising architects will be asked to confirm the reason for exemption from PI Insurance, and complete tick boxes declaring no architectural services will be provided during the year.

Rocky River Recovery, Hosking Willis Architecture Pty Ltd. Photography by Quentin Chester Photography.

Renewal fees

The Board sets the registration and renewal fee each year in April. All individual architects (including practising and non-practising) and all architectural businesses need to renew their registration each year before 30 June. This will ensure you remain on the South Australian Register of Architects.

Architects registered in South Australia under Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR), are required to renew registration. When renewing you will be required to update your Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance details, confirm you have met the CPD requirements of your home jurisdiction and make a declaration regarding fitness to practice. There will however be no renewal fee.

The Architectural Practice Board of South Australia sets the fees for registration in accordance with the Architectural Practice Act. (See Schedule of Fees and Charges).

Registration and renewal fees are statutory fees. These fees are therefore not subject to the Goods and Services Tax. Tax invoices will be not provided for renewal or registration fees. You should keep your receipt if required for taxation purposes.

Payments should be made in Australian Dollars (AU, AUD).

Once registration is complete the architect is on the Register until the end of June (registration year is from 1 July - 30 June). Refunds are not available if a person leaves the state of South Australia before the end of the registration year, or for some other reason leaves practice (e.g. retirement, maternity leave, employment). Refunds are only provided if for some reason an overpayment has been made by the person or architectural business applying for registration or renewing their registration.